Did Jameela Jamil Block Piers Morgan On Twitter

Jameela Jamil And Piers Morgan Clashed Over Meghan Markle In 2019

Did Jameela Jamil Block Piers Morgan On Twitter
L: Jameela Jamil | Santiago Felipe/Getty Images, R: Piers Morgan | Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

Jamil and Morgan have been at odds for a long time. When Markle chose to put Jamil on the cover of the British Vogue edition she guest-edited in 2019, the two had their first public argument. Due to her prior work as a magazine columnist before she became famous as an actor, Morgan claimed that Jamil is the “total antithesis of “equality, generosity, and open-mindedness” on Twitter in an attack on Markle for including Jamil in the magazine.

Jamil didn’t take Morgan’s remarks lying down. On Twitter, she replied to him and said that she had already apologized for some “judgmental” remarks she had made about other women. The author of the PINNED tweet stated, “My tweet represents all of the mistakes I made, admitting up to being problematic when I was young. No secrets exist in my life. You are a problematic fat-shaming, misogynist, slut-shaming, irrelevant sh** stain that has been spread throughout our nation despite your advanced age.

Did Jameela Jamil Block Piers Morgan On Twitter In Early 2020

Jamil and Morgan would continue to argue online for a long time after that encounter. According to BuzzFeed, Morgan shared a story in early 2020 accusing Jamil of suffering from Munchausen syndrome in reaction to the actor’s remark about how her allergies had reportedly subsided. To the tweet, Morgan added his own comments. He wrote, “IT’S A MIRACLE!” I’m very pleased for you and I hope your other 1,345 victimhood-craving virtue-signaling illnesses recover miraculously as well.

Jamil responded by calling Morgan a “misogynist” — and just one week later, she blocked him on Twitter. She noted that she didn’t want to give Morgan a larger platform by engaging with him on social media, claiming that the way Morgan conducted himself on Twitter could potentially cause young people to have “nervous breakdowns.”


Have Jameela Jamil And Piers Morgan Interacted Recently?

Just one year later, following Morgan’s shocking departure from Good Morning Britain, Jamil made the decision to express her feelings regarding the ongoing dispute with Morgan. Using Twitter once more, the star claimed that Morgan’s “relentless campaign of falsehoods and hatred” against her was the real reason why she had suicidal thoughts. According to E! Online, Jamil included a gif of herself on the red carpet to demonstrate her emotions and said that she was relieved Morgan was departing Good Morning Britain.

However, it appears that Morgan and Jamil’s conflict is still active. Even as late as the beginning of 2022, Morgan and Jamil were at odds, with Morgan publicly praising Elon Musk for his potential acquisition of Twitter after Jamil alleged that Musk had made her ponder quitting the social media platform altogether. According to The Sun, Morgan included Musk’s handle in his tweet and added hand-clapping emojis to express his happiness at the possibility that Jamil would decide not to tweet ever again. These two feisty individuals don’t seem to be making peace any time soon, it seems.

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