A DOG walker claims he was attacked by a Co-op robot with a mind of its own.

Brian Dawson, 56, admitted giving the shopping delivery droid a kick when it rammed into his German shepherd.

Brian Dawson, 56, says he was attacked by a Co-op robot


Brian Dawson, 56, says he was attacked by a Co-op robotCredit: Andrew Styczynski
The man admitted giving the shopping delivery droid a kick when it rammed into his dog, pictured above the droid caught on camera


The man admitted giving the shopping delivery droid a kick when it rammed into his dog, pictured above the droid caught on camera

Despite being programmed to avoid collisions, it then smashed Brian in the leg, sparking a man vs machine-style grapple on the pavement.

Brian, whose neighbour’s doorbell cam captured the incident, told The Sun: “It came towards me at considerable speed and hit Pippa, who’s 12 and a bit doddery.

“I thought, ‘I’m not having that!’ and admit I gave it a bit of a kicking before taking my dog home out of harm’s way.

“I was furious and went back out to make a note of its serial number or QR code.

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“But it came straight for me again and hit my left leg.

“It’s supposed to be programmed to stop if obstructed but its sensors clearly weren’t working and it seemed to have a mind of its own.

“I ended up shoving it on to its side — but that triggered its alarm and it started making a terrible racket.”

Brian, a Tesco delivery driver, pushed it back upright, forcing the unruly robot to retreat to its Co-op branch in Milton Keynes.

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He drove there to complain and had just summoned the boss when his six-wheeled nemesis appeared, alarm still blaring.

But he claimed the manager told him that it was not his responsibility.

The bots, built by US company Starship Technologies, are a familiar sight in the city after trials.

One local, Brad Alexander, 33, said: “They can be comical when you see them falling off kerbs, breaking down or making their mind up whether to cross a road.”

Brian wants them to display a big serial or phone number.

He said: “What if it knocked a toddler in the road?”

The Co-op declined to comment, pointing out the machines were operated by Starship Technologies — which failed to respond to requests for comment.

But the droid then smashed Brian in the leg, pictured above left Brian


But the droid then smashed Brian in the leg, pictured above left Brian
The collision triggers the robot's alarm


The collision triggers the robot’s alarm
Here we reveal how to survive robot attacks
Here we reveal how to survive robot attacks

This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk

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