Apple is to halve the commission it takes from small app developers as it fights off a lawsuit from the maker of video game sensation Fortnite.

The tech giant, which is led by chief executive Tim Cook has revealed firms that make less than £750,000 per year would pay 15 per cent commission on app purchases and in-app sales, not 30 per cent.

But Apple’s control over apps for iPhone users is being challenged in Australia by Epic Games, which claims it is abusing its power. 

Apple, led by chief exec Tim Cook (pictured) said firms that make less than £750,000 per year would pay 15p per cent commission on app purchases and in-app sales, not 30 per cent

Apple, led by chief exec Tim Cook (pictured) said firms that make less than £750,000 per year would pay 15p per cent commission on app purchases and in-app sales, not 30 per cent

Apple, led by chief exec Tim Cook (pictured) said firms that make less than £750,000 per year would pay 15p per cent commission on app purchases and in-app sales, not 30 per cent

Tim Sweeney, Epic’s boss, said: ‘This would be something to celebrate were it not a calculated move by Apple to divide app creators and preserve their monopoly on stores and payments.’

‘By giving special 15 per cent terms to select robber barons like Amazon, and now also to small indies, Apple is hoping to remove enough critics that they can get away with their blockade on competition.

‘But consumers still pay inflated prices, marked up by the Apple tax.’

US lawmakers this year have accused Apple of having ‘gatekeeper power’ over app developers.

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