USER of Windows 10 have been warned to delete dangerous games that could infect computers with a virus.

Security experts say these applications were all available on the Official Microsoft Store.

Experts have warned Windows users about dangerous applications


Experts have warned Windows users about dangerous applicationsCredit: Getty

The dangerous applications include unofficial versions of popular games such as Temple Run and Subway Surfer.

According to Check Point, once users install these malicious apps, they are able to infect PCs with the Electron Bot malware.

This virus has the ability to control social media accounts and set up ad clickers without without the user’s knowledge.

“Electron Bot is a modular SEO poisoning malware, which is used for social media promotion and click fraud,” said the experts. “It is mainly distributed via the Microsoft store platform and dropped from dozens of infected applications, mostly games, which are constantly uploaded by the attackers.”

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Experts say that thousands of computers have been infected with the bug.

“With over 5,000 machines already affected, the malware continually executes attacker commands, such as controlling social media accounts on Facebook, Google and Sound Cloud,” said Check Point.

“The malware can register new accounts, log in, comment on and ‘like’ other posts.”

Microsoft has been informed of the issue and some of the games appear to have been removed from the official store.

Users are advised to be vigilant even when downloading applications from official stores.

As a general rule, it’s recommended to stay away from apps with few reviews, as well as to avoid games that have similar titles to official names.

One of the malicious apps was named Temple Endless Runner 2, for example.

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