You’ve worked hard to earn your money. Here’s how to avoid completely throwing it away.

October 30, 2019 2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Jeff Rose discusses five things you should never do with your finances. 

  1. Do not gamble. Rose points out there are tons of other ways to use your money, including investing it rather than trusting pure luck. 
  2. Do not have too much of it sitting in cash. It is wise to have a little cash for savings and emergency, but too much cash sitting outside of a proper account simply being complacent with your money. 
  3. Do not buy things you don’t understand. Even if something is all the rage, you don’t need to invest in it if you simply don’t know the intricacies of it. As an example, Rose points out how many eager people clamored to invest in cryptocurrency when it first came out. 

Hear the rest of the financial tips and missteps by watching the video. 

Related: How to Ask for Help From Important People

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