When I teach five-year-olds the subject they typically scream with excitement. Here’s how to stop maths-phobia setting in

When I tell people I’m a mathematician, one of the first things many of them say is “I’m really bad at maths”. Sometimes I can detect a touch of pride in their voices, but I suspect this is more like bravado – an attempt to hide a certain amount of insecurity, or block out often painful classroom memories.

I’m sad that the subject is so polarising, with some believing they are “maths people” and others convinced they’re bad at it. But very few aspects of human behaviour are so black and white. Our abilities might fall along a continuum, but the most important thing is that everyone can get better if they’re helped in the right way. You won’t necessarily believe that if you’ve been scarred by your experiences at school. But one thing I know is that when I help five- and six-year-olds with maths they typically scream with excitement, and only learn to fear it later.

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