Ukraine inflicts defeat on Moscow in surprise north-east counter-offensive; officials say publicised offensive in the south distracted Russia from the real one in the Kharkiv region

Ukraine’s counter-offensive in the north-east of the country has inflicted an extraordinary defeat on Moscow, prompting the Russian army to pull back thousands of troops after suffering a series of battlefield defeats.

Ukraine appears to have regained control of the two key cities of Kupiansk and Izium after a major counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region in recent days, after wrongfooting Russian forces with a much-publicised Ukrainian southern offensive to distract Russia from the real one being prepared in the Kharkiv region.

Photos published by the Ukrainian security forces showed troops raising the national flag in Kupiansk, an important logistical hub for Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, where rail lines linking Russia to eastern Ukraine converge and which, in the last months, has supplied Russian forces in north-eastern Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defence confirmed the withdrawal of its troops from Izium, the major base for Moscow’s forces in Kharkiv, claiming they were being “regrouped” so that efforts could be stepped up in Donetsk. Retaking Izium is perhaps Ukraine’s most significant success in pushing back the Russians since the beginning of the invasion.

The Ukrainian flag has also been raised in the city of Balakliya, according to the Kharkiv regional governor.

The UK Ministry of Defence said Russian forces were “likely taken by surprise” by the counteroffensive. The much-publicised Ukrainian southern offensive was a disinformation campaign to distract Russia from the real one being prepared in the Kharkiv region, Ukraine’s special forces said. “[Russia] thought it would be in the south and moved their equipment. Then, instead of the south, the offensive happened where they least expected, and this caused them to panic and flee,” said Taras Berezovets, a former national security adviser turned press officer for the Bohun brigade of Ukraine’s special forces.

In a video address on Saturday the president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said Ukrainian forces had liberated about 2,000 sq km (700 square miles) of territory since the counter-offensive against Russia started earlier this month, saying, “The Russian army these days is demonstrating its best ability – to show its back.”

Residents in Russian-controlled parts of the Kharkiv region have been advised to evacuate to Russia, according to the state-run news agency Tass.

A woman has been killed and at least 20 civilians injured in Russian shelling in the Kharkiv district, according to the regional governor.

A resident of Izium, who preferred to remain anonymous, confirmed to the Guardian that the Ukrainian troops had entered the city. Before that, “Russian occupying forces were rapidly withdrawing, leaving ammunition and equipment behind.”

The UN said it has documented “torture and ill-treatment” of prisoners of war held by Russian forces in Ukraine. It also said it had corroborated at least 5,767 civilian deaths, though added that the actual numbers are “likely considerably higher”.

The Ukrainian military said a further 350 Russian soldiers have been killed, bringing the total number since the start of the invasion to 52,250.

The military also said Russia is also sending 1,300 Chechen fighters to the southern Kherson region. It comes as western intelligence suggests that Russian forces in Kherson are coming under sustained pressure from Ukrainian attacks.

Despite the gains made by Ukraine’s armed forces, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said the war was entering a critical period and he urged Ukraine’s western backers to keep up their support through what could be a difficult winter.

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