Peter Millen, Des Senior, Martin Wright and George Baugh respond to Jonathan Powell’s article on the need to find a settlement that both sides in the war will accept

Jonathan Powell’s call for readiness for negotiations with Russia when the time comes (Putin is not yet ready to end the Ukraine war. When he is, we must be prepared, 23 June) is starkly complemented by your report of the murderous exploitation of Aiden Aslin (British man facing death sentence in Donetsk told: ‘Time is running out’, 22 June). Our leaders have – at least publicly – failed to confront Russia’s propagandistic calling of the tune. We fail to challenge the medieval tactic of razing cities and the cynically calculated mass murder of civilians.

Putin cites Russia’s history in justification of his war, talking of Nuremberg-style processes to menace prisoners of war and please his supporters at home. He, and they, should be less selective in their recall, and remember those who were condemned under Nuremberg protocols for failure to protect prisoners from execution under the infamous commando and commissar orders.

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