Prof Wendy Barclay says people likely to need regular vaccine protecting them from flu and coronavirus

Barclay tells the science committee that she thinks the “most likely” scenario for the future is that people will end up needing a regular combination vaccine, protecting them from flu and coronavirus.

I feel the most likely scenario is that a combination vaccine would be given going forward in the future which would combine influenza with an updated [coronavirus vaccine]. But that really is crystal ball gazing to an extent. I think the next year will really tell us much more about the epidemiology of this new coronavirus variant, and how quickly it might mutate and necessitate vaccine updates.

Greg Clark is asking questions again.

Q: Does the modelling behind the roadmap published on Monday reflect the most up-to-date data on vaccine effectiveness?

Q: What effect does delaying the second dose have on individuals? I can see there is an overall public health benefit, but what about for individuals?

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