Latest updates: PM faces Labour leader in parliament; Prof Stephen Reicher warns UK risks ‘squandering opportunity’ to avoid stringent lockdown

PMQs is starting soon.

You can read the list of MPs down to ask a question here.

The new coronavirus restrictions being announced in Scotland this afternoon will be closely watched in England because they may provide a clue as to what Boris Johnson’s will be doing shortly.

According to a story by Harry Cole in the Sun today, Johnson is considering whether to close pubs and restaurants in cities in the north of England. Cole says:

Pubs and restaurants face closure in Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle, with Chancellor Rishi Sunak scrambling to put together a local bailout package for businesses facing ruin.

Some shops could also be forced to shut, but workplaces and schools would remain open.

A “traffic light” system of different levels of restrictions was due to be announced on Wednesday – but an intervention by Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, is threatening to delay the plans …

Mr Sunak is understood to be insisting that decisions about which towns should be put in the “red” zone of the “traffic light” system should be made by a new committee of himself, Mr Johnson and Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary.

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