The prime minister’s internal market bill could spark the constitutional crisis that nationalists have been waiting for in the run up to elections to the devolved parliament

It is not news that Boris Johnson is an unprincipled politician who plays fast and loose with the facts. Usually the prime minister contradicts himself but turns being caught into a joke. But there are no laughs to be had by insulting Scottish voters who the Conservatives want to win over before key elections. That is why Downing Street was forced to claim that what Mr Johnson meant when he told his MPs that Scottish devolution was a “disaster” was that it was “great”.

Mr Johnson has long been a stranger to scruples. As mayor of London he wanted more devolution, not less. He took control of the Metropolitan police and agitated to run the capital’s schools. His hypocrisy over devolved government was so naked that it gave at least momentary pause to support from the Scottish Tory leader, Douglas Ross.

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