The former prime minister is teaching us a lot about narcissism in her new memoir, and it’s hard to tear your eyes away

Liz Truss’s memoir, Ten Years to Save the West, first penetrated the nation’s consciousness with her reflections on the death of Queen Elizabeth II. “Why me?” the former prime minister wrote. “Why now?” It was actually pretty funny, the depth and shamelessness of her narcissism; so funny, in fact, that I felt that, somewhere along the line, she had been stitched up by an editor. Fair play; I too would stitch her up in that job. It’s hard to be your best, most generous self towards a person you hold personally responsible for the fact that your mortgage is now 100% higher than it used to be.

But a kinder, more mature person would have at least scribbled in the margin: “Are you absolutely sure you want to connect yourself, who served for 49 days, with the death of death of a monarch who served the nation for 70 years?”

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