Exclusive: Multiple sources warn poor working culture heightens risk of accidents, suicide and sabotage

A “toxic culture” of bullying, sexual harassment and drug-taking risks compromising the safety of Europe’s most hazardous nuclear site, multiple employees at Sellafield have claimed.

More than a dozen current and former employees have alleged to the Guardian that the Cumbrian site, a vast dump for nuclear waste, has a longstanding unhealthy working culture, where staff have been bullied, harassed and belittled, with some apparently pushed to suicide.

Several suicides apparently linked to the pressures of working at the site.

A former young worker who claimed he was bullied to the point where he “just wanted to die” after he was repeatedly mocked over his sexual experience.

Workers who alleged they have either experienced or witnessed incidents of sexual assault.

Staff who allegedly regularly bring cocaine on to the site and keep samples of untainted urine in case of random drugs tests.

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