President says it is ‘matter of principle’ to implement EU recommendations; Moscow carries out more airstrikes in eastern Ukraine

According to Reuters, Russia has signed a contract to supply its Igla handheld anti-aircraft missile to India and allow production of the Igla there under licence, Russian state news agency Tass quoted a top arms export official as saying on Tuesday.

Nato will update the EU on protection of critical infrastructure including under ocean internet cables and gas pipelines in the Baltic sea and Ukraine neighbourhood at a summit of defence ministers in Brussels today.

We are in the process of establishing a new centre at our Maritime Command in the United Kingdom, to better coordinate efforts of allies to work with partners to work with the European Union, but also to work with the private sector to better share information and to ramp up what to do to protect critical undersea infrastructure.

Intense fighting continues. The situation on the battlefield is difficult. And that just makes it even more important that we sustain and step up our support for Ukraine because we cannot allow a president Putin to win. Ukraine must prevail as a sovereign independent nation in Europe and it’s in our interest to support Ukraine.

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