Many pet owners are being left footing huge bills for dog dental issues, as many insurers refuse to cover tooth and gum problems.

Dental issues for dogs can mean expensive vet bills for owners, especially as several dog breeds are prone to having bad teeth.

Bills for problems such as dental abscesses can easily top £950 each time, according to Co-op Insurance.  

More than two-fifths of dog owners told the Co-op that dental issues were a top 10 reason for taking their pet to the vet. 

Every dog has his claim: Labradors are very prone to having bad teeth, causing expensive insurance claims

Every dog has his claim: Labradors are very prone to having bad teeth, causing expensive insurance claims

Dental disease, gingivitis and abscesses are the most common oral issues claimed for by pet insurance customers. 

Around a fifth (19 per cent) of dog owners have put off vet visits due to the rising cost of living.

But not all insurers will pay out for dog dental issues, and many will cap how much can be claimed back, according to financial data firm Defaqto.

For example, 51 per cent of all dog insurance policies will not pay out for tooth or gum diseases. 

This means many dog owners have to shell out for the cost of dental treatment for their beloved pet on top of the premiums they are already paying. 

How many pet insurers pay out for dog dental claims
Cover level Accidental damage to teeth  Tooth and gum disease
No cover 3% 51%
Less than £1,00  7%  4% 
£1,000 to £1,999  12%  9% 
£2,000 to £2,999  20%  9% 
£3,000 to £3,999  13%  6% 
£4,000 to £4,999  14%  5% 
£5,000 and above  31%  16% 
Source: Defaqto 

Angela Pilley, of Defaqto, said: ‘In terms of restrictions, the most common relates to dental treatment due to illness with providers typically stipulating that the dog must have had a dental check-up within the past 12 months. 

‘Other common treatments that are excluded are de-scaling, polishing and cleaning.’

Andrew Nevitt, Head of Co-op Pet Insurance, said: ‘We know owning a pet brings great joy to many, however we shouldn’t underestimate the responsibility it also takes to care for them.

‘Insurance can provide a safety net for pet owners, however it’s important to properly understand your policy and be aware of what it does and does not cover.’

The top 10 dog breeds for dental claims are:

  • Mongrels
  • Cocker spaniels
  • Labradors
  • Springer spaniels
  • Jack Russell terriers
  • Border terriers
  • Border collies
  • Pugs
  • Cavalier King Charles spaniels 
  • Retrievers 

‘We had to pay £638 when our pet insurer refused to pay out’

Daisy's tooth removal surgery ended up costing her owner more than £600

Daisy’s tooth removal surgery ended up costing her owner more than £600

When cocker spaniel Daisy’s mouth swelled up her owner, Geri Barrington, rushed her to the vet.

Daisy, 15, had an abscess from an infected tooth, and needed to have six removed – costing £638. 

But Daisy’s pet insurer did not cover dental issues at all, leaving Geri to foot the bill.

‘At that time, having been with the pet insurance provider since Daisy was a puppy, we expected that we would be covered, so it was a complete blow when we found out that we weren’t and there was nothing that could be done for us,’ Geri said. 

‘It had never even occurred to us that any dental issues might not be covered by our insurance policy, and we were heartbroken that we had to even think about cost alongside the health of our beloved dog.

‘My advice to anyone with a pet insurance policy is to always double check what is covered.’ 

This post first appeared on

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