WI-FI routers can be temperamental so it’s important to find the best spot for one in your home.

Often the kitchen can be a poor choice because it’s full of gadgets that can interfere with your internet speed.

Wi-Fi issues at home can be caused by the wrong router placement


Wi-Fi issues at home can be caused by the wrong router placement

We’ve rounded up five items in the kitchen that your router shouldn’t be near.


Microwaves are one of the biggest Wi-Fi speed-stealing culprits.

They’re made of metal, which can block your Wi-Fi from reaching your devices.

Microwaves also emit competing signals.


That’s because they give out electromagnetic radiation that can interfere with your router’s signals.


The oven is another metal object that’s worth avoiding with your router.

Your router emits radio waves and these are electromagnetic.

They’re also easily absorbed by metal items, which can create blank spots in your Wi-Fi service at home.

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Ovens also emit heat, which is bad for your router.

Overheated Wi-Fi routers are likely to provide slow speeds.


The same issue applies to your fridge.

It’s worth moving the router or the metal item a fair distance away.


Any Bluetooth object can interfere with your Wi-Fi speed because the devices also emit competing signals.

That includes speakers, baby monitors, and even smart TVs.


Kitchens are also often a place with running water.

Make sure you keep your router out of splashing distance.

Read More on The Sun

Large bodies of water can also interfere with your Wi-Fi speed.

Water easily absorbs the radiation sent out by your router, leaving a black hole with no signal around the tank.

This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk

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