We need a higher tax model to properly fund vital services, says Christine Kearns, while Geoff Renshaw says government borrowing is preferable to spending cuts. Plus a letter from Bill Stephenson

Chris Mullin is right about taxes (Forget tax cuts. We need a tax rise – or Britain’s public services will collapse, 23 October). As a nation, we need to adopt a totally different approach. Why are we not encouraged to think of tax as an investment in our future health and wellbeing instead of regarding it as “legalised theft” of our hard-earned wages? Scandinavian countries seem to work successfully to this higher tax model.

Surely those who complain about waits for ambulances, the lack of hospital beds, the scandalous cost of childcare, the lack of care for elderly relatives, crumbling schools, the shambles that is our public transport system wish to see improvements in those areas. Where is the money needed going to come from, if not from our taxes?

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