BRITS risk being caught out by dangerous scam emails – so you need to know the warning signs.

An official Sky security memo details the “simple steps” that can stop you from falling victim to identity fraud.

Don't let scammers hoodwink you with a clever email


Don’t let scammers hoodwink you with a clever emailCredit: Sky

These scams can strike in a matter of seconds – and your info and money can end up in the hands of crooks before you realise what’s even happened.

Cyber-criminals often target Brits over email with scheming tricks to steal their private info.

Once you’ve been tricked into handing over information, you could be defrauded very quickly.

Sky warned that scammers could use the info to create and open bank accounts, take out credit cards or loans, make purchases in your name and more.

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Now Sky has issued customers with three tips to protect their info from cybercriminals.

The first tip is to be extremely cautious if you receive demanding emails or phone calls out of the blue.

“If you receive an unsolicited email or phone call, asking for your security details, never divulge your login details, account numbers and payment details,” Sky warned.

Receiving an email or call like this can be scary.

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But it’s important to not rush into handing anything over.

Instead, contact Sky directly using the details on the official website or app.

The second tip is to make sure your password is extremely secure.

“Create strong passwords for use online, and don’t use the same one for every website you login to,” Sky advised.

The first part of that is ensuring that your password is both long and complicated, making it hard to “brute force” guess.

But the second part is making sure you never re-use passwords.

Otherwise, if one of your passwords is hacked or leaked, it could be used to break into your other accounts.

Thirdly, you need to make sure you’re updating your devices regularly.

“Protect your internet connected devices with up to date security software,” Sky recommended.

By updating your devices and apps, it means you have the latest security protections.

These updates often close dangerous security holes that could be exploited by hackers.

Security updates are typically free to download and install.

It’s important to follow the advice or you find yourself in real trouble.

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“Identity theft can lead to fraud that can have a direct impact on your personal finances,” Sky warned.

“And [it] could also make it difficult for you to take out loans, credit cards or a mortgage until the matter is resolved.”

This post first appeared on

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