Go door-knocking in true blue Worthing, and the talk is of Johnson’s lies and cost of living. Labour couldn’t, could they?

No one will win these local elections. It’s statistically improbable, but the only conclusion available if you listen to all the party managers currently energetically tamping down expectations to somewhere below zero. According to them, everyone will lose.

Steve Baker MP warns the Tories will “reap the whirlwind” on 5 May. Talk to his comrades and they are just as glum. The threat that any MP voting to block an investigation of their leader by the Commons privileges committee would be denounced in local election leaflets has panicked them into surrender. They are so morally vacant, they say openly that these election results will determine whether they oust Boris Johnson for dishonesty. How bad must those results be? They noisily predict they might lose 1,000 seats, cracking the “red wall” and mislaying flagship councils such as Wandsworth, Westminster and Barnet. So if they don’t perform quite as badly as that, well, they can relax back into their complacent turpitude.

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