Labour says George Eustice comments show government has no solution to cost of living crisis

Yesterday, after his Good Morning Britain interview, Boris Johnson was accused of not fully appreciating how bad the cost of living crisis is for many people.

He has written about the subject in an article today for the Daily Express. But this may also lead to claims that he is minimising the seriousness of the problem because he talks about people “feeling the pinch”. He says:

I know that families across the country are feeling the pinch as the cost of living rises.

That’s why we’re focused on growing the economy to address the cost of living, and it’s why keeping bills down and cutting council waste is more important than ever.

[The PM’s Good Morning Britain interview yesterday] won’t have won us many votes. Boris doesn’t actually care about these people. He basically despises most of the human race, so that makes it quite difficult for him to sympathise.

This is woefully out of touch from a government with no solution to the cost of living crisis facing working people.

People are seeing their wages fall, fuel and food costs rise, and families are worried about how to make ends meet.

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