In an ideal world, the lasting image of the night would belong to the Wales supporters, arms wide, backs arched, serenading Aaron Ramsey after a classy and, at times, irresistible display. Perhaps the pandemonium in the stands – and on the touchline – as Daniel James struck to salvage a precious point trumped everything but ultimately the sight of Danny Ward crumpled in his goal net will surely prove impossible to erase from memory given the slapstick manner in which the goalkeeper, so often the hero in recent months, allowed Ramsey’s firm back pass to amble beyond his feet and over the line.

A slow-burning game turned into a barmy contest, typified by that calamitous own goal that had Wales fearing the worst four minutes after the break. For Wales, the galling bit – beyond the ball squirming over the line – is that it stemmed from Ramsey pinching possession from Alex Kral, playing alongside his West Ham teammate Tomas Soucek, on the edge of the box. Ramsey stole in and his next move was to look for Ward. It should have been harmless but Ward miscontrolled the back pass and subsequently pressed self-destruct. “He’s strong-minded, so he will come back from that no problem at all,” said the interim Wales manager, Robert Page. Of course you’re going to be disappointed but he’s a strong character.. The lads will rally around him.”

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