Home secretary said the government had met its targets despite Labour claiming this is ‘false’

In his interviews this morning James Cleverly, the home secretary, admitted that that a pre-Christmas “joke” he made about spiking his wife’s drink with a date rape drug could have distracted from his department’s work to tackle violence against women and girls. Ben Quinn has the full story here.

Good morning and happy new year. Politics is not starting at full pelt this week – the Commons is not back until next week, and although Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer have visits scheduled for later this week, we’re not expecting to hear from them today – but James Cleverly, the home secretary, has been doing a media round, and the news is dominated by an argument about immigration policy. As it will be, no doubt, for most of the rest of 2024. Never mind; only 365 more days to go.

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