To Grant and Rish!, the nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, teachers and railway workers are militant, hard-hearted killers

You’d have thought there was a fairly simple way for the government to resolve the current strikes. Negotiate. After all, it’s obvious to everyone that there’s a deal to be done somewhere between what the unions are asking for and what ministers are currently offering. And that’s where we’ll inevitably end up. It’s a no-brainer.

Except to Grant Shapps and Rishi Sunak. They see things rather differently. They have eyed up the nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, teachers and railway workers and seen a militant collective of hard-hearted killers. People who will strike just for the hell of it. People who would rather go without a day’s pay because they quite like making people’s lives a misery. People who enjoy inflicting anxiety and suffering on the country.

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