Readers discuss the Conservatives’ proposals for profoundly anti-democratic legislation

We are spouses, living in Britain, who were born in different countries. One of us, whose grandfather was an immigrant, has only British citizenship. The other is a Briton with dual citizenship who could, under the nationality and borders bill, as highlighted by Zoe Williams (Cruel ministers have made citizenship a tool of dirty politics, 8 December), in future have their British citizenship removed at the whim of a Home Office minister or official. Why might such a thing happen? Well, bear in mind that government amendments to the police, crime, sentencing and courts bill, also going through parliament, potentially criminalise most public protests, as pointed out by George Monbiot (As we turn away, Boris Johnson is grabbing more power. Where is the opposition?, 8 December).

This double whammy of profoundly anti-democratic legislation will surely intimidate the newly created category of second-class British citizens, who may be moved to demonstrate on any issue whatsoever in the future. The entirely foreseeable next step will be to remove from all British citizens recourse to the European court of human rights. As Labour party members, we urge the Labour leadership to join with other parties in campaigning vigorously against both these bills.
Vera da Silva Sinha and Chris Sinha
Cringleford, Norfolk

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