The UN secretary general has invoked a rarely used article to push for a ceasefire; Israeli military says job is to ‘find Sinwar and kill him’

New Zealand’s deputy prime minister, Winston Peters, has called on all parties involved in the Israel / Gaza conflict – including countries with influence in the region – to “take urgent steps towards establishing a ceasefire”.

Peters, who is also the foreign affairs minister, put forward a motion on Thursday, asking New Zealand’s parliament to express grave concern at the ongoing violence in the region. Introducing a motion in parliament allowed the political parties to debate it.

Express grave concern at the ongoing violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories, unequivocally condemn the Hamas terrorist attack on 7 October 2023 and call for the release on all hostages, call on all parties involved in the conflict as well as all countries with influence in the region take urgent steps towards establishing a ceasefire, recognising Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international law, and that all civilians be protected from armed conflict, affirm that a lasting solution to the conflict will only be achieved by peaceful means and that action to revive the Middle East Peace Process is critical.

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