From driving a tank to jogging in New York, the foreign secretary has made more than 700 appearances on the government’s Flickr account since taking up the job

When photographs appeared last week of a faux fur-clad Liz Truss in Moscow’s Red Square, it was impossible not to draw a comparison to an almost identical picture of Margaret Thatcher in Soviet Russia 35 years ago. Yet the arresting image was only the latest in a torrent of official pictures of the foreign secretary’s exploits.

There are, in fact, very few moments in Truss’s five-month stint at the Foreign Office that have not been caught for posterity by publicly funded official photographers. A review of the government’s official account on the photo-sharing platform Flickr reveals that since the day she took up the post, more than 700 pictures have been uploaded featuring Truss – an average of more than four-and-a-half a day, or about one photograph for every five hours in the job.

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