A TIKTOK star has shared valuable hacks for iPhone users that can level up their experience.

Earlier this year, TikTok user @AppleTech029 revealed some little-known tricks for iPhone owners.

One TikTok star has shared valuable hacks for iPhone users


One TikTok star has shared valuable hacks for iPhone usersCredit: TikTok/appletech029

“Three iPhone tricks every Apple user should know,” the content creator said at the start of the 26-second clip.

The first hack can be used while you’re browsing Settings to help you navigate more quickly.

“If you long press the Back button on the top left, you can quickly skip and go back to any of the previous pages,” he revealed.

The second hack can be accessed in the Mail app to help you organize your mailbox.

“You can quickly delete any email by double-swiping to the left,” he explained.

And the third trick has to do with accessing your Wi-Fi networks’ passwords.

“Go to Settings, go to Wi-Fi, click the edit button in the top right,” he said.

“And now, press the ‘i’ icon of any Wi-Fi, and you have the possibility to check the password,” he added.

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He concluded the video by asking his followers to share the handy tips with their friends and family.


Since going live on TikTok, the hack has garnered more than 40,000 likes and dozens of comments.

“The last one is so true. I was doubting,” one user said.

“Thé wifi isn’t every wifi it’s only the wifi you’ve been connected to,” a second user remarked.

“Thanks, bro,” a third TikToker added.

This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk

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