Charlotte, 52 and Calvin Dorion, 51, met while working as Santa’s elves in Australia. They now live together in Victoria on Vancouver Island

When Charlotte Lumsden arrived for a backpacking trip around Australia in November 1992, she realised she would need a job. “I’d spent all my money on the flight,” she says. While staying at a hostel in Kings Cross, Sydney, she was told that “Santa” was recruiting elves for a sales job. “The job was basically to dress up as an elf and go to houses, markets and office blocks around Australia selling stuffed toys.” On her first day she met Calvin, a Canadian traveller, who had also signed up to make some extra cash. “All I remember is that her sneakers were too big. She was really attractive but had these massive shoes,” he says.

The pair began a selling road trip with a group of other elves. Their transport and accommodation were paid for. Over the next two weeks, they got to know each other. “He was so gentlemanly,” says Charlotte. “I was scared of dogs so when we went to try and sell toys at houses, he would protect me from the dogs so I could sell.”

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