Being an online businessman, the most important tool your business needs is a website. Your website reflects you and your business and is of paramount importance to you. This is the main reason why you should look at more considerations than just good design while designing your website. The following are a few suggestions to create a website that sells:

* Keeping in mind the old idiom “First impression is the last impression”, a visitor’s first look at the website is going to determine, whether a sale will be made or not. A professional look with soothing aesthetics, properly organized, quick loading and easily navigable website is the most important tool of your business.

* Design should be such that your websites rank very high in search engines. The factors that determine this are – META tags, Title, Image, Keywords, ALT tags, and the overall design.

* Use effective content. Your business is founded on the words you use in the content.

* Traffic generation is the most important part of online marketing. You need to create a steady stream of traffic to your website by making sure that the visitor will continue to come back to your site. Keep updating or changing the content.

* Try and provide free service through the website. For example, a free tutorial on using the product or service, using articles, e-books or auto-responder based instruction.

* Always showcase your testimonials. Recommended is to dedicate a page to the testimonials of your existing customers.

* Provide complete contact details. This will show the visitors that you are completely transparent. Include address, phone number and email addresses for requesting information or support.

* Assure the visitors about their privacy. Create a “Privacy Statement” page to tell the visitors, exactly how the personal information you collect is used.

* Provide a free sample or demo of your product or service. This might not directly enhance the sales, but will contribute towards generating more traffic.

* For enhancing sales, provide a guarantee on products and services you are offering. If it suits your portfolio, you could also offer a money-back guarantee.

A professionally designed website is one of the most important factors in determining your online business success.

READ ALSO: Strategies That Will Traffic On Your Website

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