Think in small steps, then earn big.

December 4, 2019 2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Jeff Rose discusses how following a series of simple steps along with adopting a particular mindset can lead you to finally making a million dollars. 

Start by applying some simple math: If you want to make a million dollars in one year, you will need to earn $83,333 each month, or $20,830 each week, or assuming a 40-hour work week, about $520 each hour. While you’re making this money, keep tabs on your overall timeline, and its fluctuations, in terms of how long it will take you to reach $1 million.

To achieve a large goal, you must be willing to put in the work. Unfortunately for many people, since big goals can seem so far away and difficult to envision, it’s difficult to make a solid plan. But, by making a concerted effort over a specific amount of time, you can inch closer and closer to your ultimate goal.

Hear all of Rose’s simple advice for earning $1 million by clicking the video. 

Related: Want to Get Rich? Start With Visualization.

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