One corpse, multiple suspects and countless chic accessories: this gloriously gloomy whodunnit tries one last – surely the last? – variation on odd-couple detectives

Without wishing to get too Taggart about this, there’s been a murder. The body of energy company executive Clellan Coburn has been found in the woods outside Aberdeen, and he had just announced a business merger that would have meant his oil company switching to green energy. Whodunnit? I’m going to go out on a limb and say, probably not the guy at the public announcement shouting: “I’m going to kill you Clellan!”

But Granite Harbour (BBC One) isn’t just a serendipitously topical if formulaic thriller in the era of Just Stop Oil. Rather, it’s an odd-couple police procedural about the dressiest crime solvers in all of Police Scotland’s history. In the first episode DCI Lara Bartlett (Hannah Donaldson) accessorises a Breton fisherman’s striped top with rakishly tied red neckerchief, steely blue eyes and a bob, while – not to be outdone – rookie detective Davis Lindo (Romario Simpson) sports a retina-frying pink shirt with matching tie over a sharp suit and camel coat.

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