Gain valuable insights and actionable advice that you can apply directly to your business as the world begins to reopen and we look to the future of retail.

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April 26, 2021 1 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Over the last year and a half we have seen major shifts in the world of retail — everything from the way consumers are shopping to what they are buying has changed. Join brand founders from across various stages of growth for a 60-minute Power Hour presented by Target Accelerators.

Meet Your Speakers:

During this candid conversation led by FounderMade CEO, Meghan Asha, these founders will reflect on the biggest learnings they experienced while scaling their business to mass retail, particularly through the challenges of the last year. Find out what has changed, what has stayed the same and how working with a mass retailer such as Target has impacted their experiences. We’ll even dive deep into how each has grown personally over the year, discussing how they, as founders, have made space to take care of themselves and their teams. Reserve your spot now to gain valuable insights and actionable advice that you can apply directly to your business as the world begins to reopen and we look to the future of retail.

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