Kristi Hughes, 44, lives in Liverpool and works in the public sector. She describes her experience of endometriosis

Workplaces are failing women. Considering endometriosis affects one in 10 women and that is just one menstrual condition – there are many – where is the support, training and acknowledgment in the workplace?

I’ve had problematic periods since the age of 12 and they really started to escalate when I came off all contraception in my late 20s. By the time I was in my 30s, I had extreme pelvic pain throughout the month, not only during my period, as well as heavy bleeding to the extent that I would go to the toilet to change my pad and by the time I’d reached the sink to wash my hands I needed to change it again. Nausea and vomiting, extreme fatigue, diarrhoea and poor mental health are to name but a few symptoms.

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