Max Woosey, who raised more than £700k for his local hospice, will be spending less time under canvas – to his family’s relief

He has survived a record-breaking storm, endured icy mornings when he woke with frost coating his blankets and battled a bout of Covid during a heatwave. But after two years of sleeping under canvas Max Woosey the boy in the tent – is on the verge of, if not giving up life under the stars, then at least embarking on a new chapter.

“I’m still going to be in my tent a lot,” said Max, who has raised more than £700,000 for charity. “But now I’ve done two years, if there’s a big, dangerous storm coming I may come inside, or if we have a trip to London I may stay in a hotel. I’m not going to have to be outside every night any more.”

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