SUN readers are relieved that Chancellor Rishi Sunak has heard your voices and is finally tackling the cost- of-living crisis.

This newspaper has been telling the man in charge of Britain’s finances to help those whose budgets have been crippled by the rocketing prices of groceries, energy and fuel.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has heard your concerns and is finally tackling the cost-of-living crisis


Chancellor Rishi Sunak has heard your concerns and is finally tackling the cost-of-living crisisCredit: AFP

He responded yesterday by offering £400 off every- one’s energy bills in October, £650 to eight million households on the lowest incomes, an extra winter fuel allowance of £300 for pensioners and £150 for people on disability benefits.

Here, our Squeeze Team readers’ panel give their response to Rishi’s measures.

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‘It’s brilliant, it will really help people’

PENSIONER Veronica Anne Burton, set to get the £300 for OAPs on a low income, said: “It’s brilliant. It will really help people.

“It will mean I’m able to pay all my bills.”

Veronica Anne Burton says: 'It will mean I’m able to pay all my bills'


Veronica Anne Burton says: ‘It will mean I’m able to pay all my bills’Credit: NNP

Anne, 81, a retired hospital volunteer from South Shields, added: “I get £600 a month, my rent is £200 and my bills have increased by at least £100.

“I’m left with barely any-thing. I have four grand-children and used to give them £10 a week but am unable to do that, which breaks my heart.”

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‘This is welcome, we live week to week’

WHITE van man Dan Ware, who will get the £400 off his energy bills, even though he uses a key and card meter, said: “This is very welcome.

“We are living week to week, not going away, there is nothing special planned.”

Dan Ware says: 'There are a lot of people I know who are really struggling and this money will be a lifesaver for them'


Dan Ware says: ‘There are a lot of people I know who are really struggling and this money will be a lifesaver for them’Credit: Supplied

Dad-of-five Dan, 44, from Medway in Kent, added: “I don’t think the £650 grant will apply to our family but I think it is a good idea.

“There are a lot of people I know who are really struggling and this money will be a lifesaver for them.”

‘I don’t think this will make a difference’

RETIRED clerk Amelia Fucile, who will receive the £150 disability payment and the £300 pensioner grant, cautioned: “Energy bills are supposed to be going up again from October, by £800 a year, so where are we supposed to get that money from?”

Amelie, 79, of Sunderland, who needs a walking stick, added: “Some people can’t even heat their homes, or have to choose between that and eating.

Amelia Fucile says: 'I don’t think this will make a difference'


Amelia Fucile says: ‘I don’t think this will make a difference’Credit: NNP

“I don’t think this will make a difference.”

‘Will help homeless teens I work with’

SINGLE dad Josh Waters welcomes the £400 energy discount, saying: “I might go to the pub a few extra times and enjoy a pint, and we’ll have the heating on for an extra half an hour a day.”

Josh, 30, a teen support worker from Falmouth, Cornwall, who has a four-year-old girl and earns £24,000 a year, added: “I work with homeless teens, so seeing people on Universal Credit, and disabled people, getting more help is great.

Josh Waters says: 'Seeing people on Universal Credit, and disabled people, getting more help is great'


Josh Waters says: ‘Seeing people on Universal Credit, and disabled people, getting more help is great’Credit: Josh Waters

“That’ll make a huge difference.”

‘It shows that Rishi is listening to us’

TAXI driver Grant Davis welcomed the £400 grant for energy bills.

He said: “It is good the Government is introducing a windfall tax on energy firms.

Grant Davis welcomed the £400 grant for energy bills


Grant Davis welcomed the £400 grant for energy billsCredit: Michael Schofield – The Sun Glasgow

“It has been a long time coming but shows Rishi Sunak is listening to the working people.”

But dad-of-two Grant, 58, of Bromley, South London, added: “I’d like him to reduce the green levy for a while – if he halved that part of the energy bill it would also help.”

‘The £650 will really help. Life is tough’

MATTHEW PALMER, who gets the highest disability allowance, said: “The £650 payment will really help. I really need the money to pay my gas and electricity bills.”

Matthew, 41, of Burnley, added: “I only have a certain amount of money each week and was worried that it wouldn’t cover everything.

Matthew Palmer says: 'Since energy bills have increased I’ve been more careful when I put the heating on'


Matthew Palmer says: ‘Since energy bills have increased I’ve been more careful when I put the heating on’Credit: Zenpix

“Since energy bills have increased I’ve been more careful when I put the heating on.

“I only put it on when it is really cold. It’s tough at the moment.”

‘£400 is nice but it’s a drop in the ocean’

SINGLE mum Gemma Fletcher, who works part-time in customer services, said: “I spend around £60 on gas and electricity each week, which is more than double what I used to pay.

“The £400 will be very welcome but is a drop in the ocean.”

Gemma Fletcher says: 'The £400 will be very welcome but is a drop in the ocean'


Gemma Fletcher says: ‘The £400 will be very welcome but is a drop in the ocean’Credit: Zenpix

The 37-year-old mum-of-two, from Burnley, added: “I don’t spend what I used to on food.

“We can’t afford to go away at half-term, as I don’t have the same spare cash.

“I am actually financially worse off by working.”

‘I fear it won’t soften the terrible blows’

MUSICIAN and producer Jerome Stokes says: “More cash for pensioners and the disabled is great. I know many people who will sleep better tonight.

“The Government has appreciated that every penny counts.”

Jerome Stokes says: 'More cash for pensioners and the disabled is great'


Jerome Stokes says: ‘More cash for pensioners and the disabled is great’Credit: Jerome Stokes

Jerome, 55, of Queen’s Park, North West London, added: “Focusing on the vulnerable, and also offering £400 discounted energy bills for everyone, shows the Government is trying.

“But I am worried this won’t soften terrible cost-of-living blows.”

‘Happy we’re going to get something’

RETIRED charity worker Trevor Riddiough said: “I am happy that we are going to receive something.

“We have seen our energy payments increase a lot but we aren’t using any more gas or electricity.

Trevor Riddiough said: 'I am happy that we are going to receive something'


Trevor Riddiough said: ‘I am happy that we are going to receive something’Credit: Zenpix
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“We have felt the pinch, so it must be a real worry for others.”

Trevor, 79, from Nelson, Lancs: “I worked for a charity and have seen how difficult it is for people. Some really do need financial help.”

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