Latest updates: Covid cases in Russian president’s inner circle; China reports 59 new cases compared to 22 the day before

Just two African countries have met the target of vaccinating 40% of their population, which the WHO said it wants to help every country reach, its head Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

He said it is not because of a lack of expertise or capacity but because “they’ve been left behind by the rest of the world.”

“So far, #COVAX has shipped more than 260 million [#COVID19 vaccine] doses to 141 countries.
But as you know, COVAX has also faced several challenges, with manufacturers prioritizing bilateral deals and many high-income countries tying up the global supply of vaccines”-@DrTedros

Bob Enyart, a rightwing talk radio host in Colorado who urged people to boycott vaccines for Covid-19, has died of Covid-19.

Enyart’s death was reported two weeks after the Denver Bible church said he and his wife had been taken to hospital.

Related: Colorado radio host who urged boycott of vaccines dies of Covid-19

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