Related: Vicky Losada: ‘Every single player in my Barcelona team is a winner’

She’s not wrong.

I’ve put Chelsea’s formation as 4-3-3, as per the official Uefa graphic, but they are very flexible in attacking positions – at times it will be a 4-3-2-1. Just one more thing: it looks like Jess Carter and Niamh Charles will swap sides from the semi-final – Charles on the right, Carter on the left to deal with Caroline Graham Hansen.

Chelsea (4-3-3) Berger; Charles, Bright, Eriksson, Carter; Ji, Ingle, Leupolz; Kirby, Harder, Kerr.
Substitutes: Musovic, Telford, Blundell, England, Reiten, Fleming, Cuthbert, Spence, Andersson, Fox, Beever-Jones.

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