BOTTLE BEHAVIOR The HidrateSpark Steel, Joseph Joseph Dot Active Water Bottle and Closca Bottle use psychological tactics like “habit stacking” (piggybacking one habit onto another) to egg you on to sip.

Photo: F. Martin Ramin/The Wall Street Journal

‘DRINK MORE water’ has become a widely adopted healthcare mantra for a reason: Some doctors say that even mild dehydration can impair alertness and cognitive function. At this point, nearly a million Instagram posts are hashtagged #waterbottle and, after a particularly wellness-focused year, some people view their water bottles as high-status extensions of themselves.


What water bottle is best at keeping you hydrated? Join the conversation below.

To keep up with the hydration craze, carafe companies have released new, high-tech versions that promise to increase your H2O intake through virtual nudges and tops reminiscent of trendy fidget toys. “We’re so busy with our day-to-day lives that automatic reminders can be a welcome encouragement,” said nutritionist Rachel Paul. We tested three cutting-edge bottles to see if such prods were, in fact, motivating, or just irritating intrusions into our days.

HidrateSpark Steel, from $60,

Photo: F. Martin Ramin/The Wall Street Journal

HidrateSpark Steel

Motivation: Lights up when it’s time to sip

This Jetsons-esque jug uses a bluetooth-enabled water-level sensor to keep you on track to meet your “daily water goal” (determined by a companion app that factors in your age, elevation and exercise frequency). If the app decides that you’ve gone too long without taking a swig, the bottle’s LED base will start flashing rainbow colors. Dare to ignore the drinking directive? You’ll also earn a push notification. We found the bottle’s Technicolor insistence a bit grating.

Joseph Joseph Dot Active Water Bottle, $15,

Photo: F. Martin Ramin/The Wall Street Journal

Joseph Joseph Dot Active Bottle

Motivation: Dot tracking system on the cap

No apps here: Every time you refill this bottle, you twist and click its clever lid to reveal a new dot along the side. (Each dot equals one bottle gulped.) Think of it as an upgraded tally system that acts as what Jen Sincero, author of “Badass Habits,” calls a “habit-stacker.” Here, the desire for the tactile satisfaction of clicking another dot into place helps motivate you to drink more water. After a day of satisfying snaps, we were encouraged. The soft sippy straw—and a low price—don’t hurt, either.

Closca Bottle, about $49,

Photo: F. Martin Ramin/The Wall Street Journal

Closca Bottle

Motivation: Redeemable point rewards

While Closca’s borosilicate glass and grippy silicone design is comfortable to drink from, you might not be sold on the company’s insistence that you trek to specific hydration stations near you to refill your carafe. Checking in at these user-submitted water fountains (located via the Water App) earns points you can redeem for charitable donations to eco-friendly nonprofits. Another perk for environmentalists: The water-tracking feature on the app tells users how many plastic bottles they’ve avoided sending to a landfill. Still, we’re more motivated to fill our bottles from the taps in our kitchens.

The Wall Street Journal is not compensated by retailers listed in its articles as outlets for products. Listed retailers frequently are not the sole retail outlets.

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