FAMILIES claiming Universal Credit will want to know if their payments are going up next year as 2021 comes to an end.

With households battling against soaring bills and a cost of living crisis as well as the recent £20 uplift cut, Brits will want to know if budgets will be as tight in 2022.

Universal Credit rates will rise in April 2022 - we explain how much by


Universal Credit rates will rise in April 2022 – we explain how much byCredit: Getty

Households got an extra £20 a week – or £80 a month – over the Covid crisis, but this help was axed on October 6.

Although half a million working Brits claiming the benefit will see their payments boosted by £1,000 after the Universal Credit taper rate was slashed, thousands are still struggling to get by.

It comes as households could see £2,000 added onto their bills including council tax, groceries, mortgage and energy costs.

But are Universal Credit rates set to rise next year to help ease household finances? We explain all you need to know.

Will Universal Credit payments rise in 2022?

In good news for hard-up families, Universal Credit payments will go up next year.

Most read in Money

The government revealed last month how much each benefit is set to rise by, from state pension to carer’s allowance.

Universal Credit claimants getting the standard allowance will get £10 more a month – or more than £15 extra if you’re part of a couple.

You’ll get more cash because rates are rising in line with inflation figures reported in September 2021.

Inflation is how much prices of goods and services is rising by.

How much will I get?

Here’s how much more you will get next year every month in your Universal Credit pay packet

Standard allowance (per month)

The Universal Credit standard allowance will rise by £10.07 a month from £257.33 to £265.31 for those single and aged 25 and over.

For those single but under 25 years-old, you’ll get £7.98 more a month, with rates rising from £257.33 to £265.31.

Joint claimants will get £12.52 extra with rates going up from £403.93 to £416.45 if they’re both under 25.

While couples over this age will get a £15.81 boost as payments go up from £509.91 to £525.72.

Extra amounts for children

Those with a first child born before April 6 2017 will see their money go from £282.50 to £290 – £7.50 more.

While those with a child born on or after April 6 2017 with a second or subsequent child will get £7.50 more with payments up £237.08 to £244.58.

If you have a disabled child, lower rate addition payments are up £4 from £128.89 to £132.89 while higher rates are up £12.47 from £402.41 to £414.88.

Extra amounts for limited capability for work

If you have limited capability for week, payments will rise £4 from £128.89 to £132.89.

Plus, those with limited capability for work or work-related activity will see their cash go up £10.65 from £343.63 to £354.28.

Extra amounts for being a carer

You’ll get extra money if you’re caring for a severely disabled person for at least 35 hours a week.

The extra amount you get a month is going up £5.08 from £163.73 to £168.81.

The work allowance rates have already risen from November 24 and will rise again from April 2022 onwards.

Increased work allowance

If claiming Universal Credit with one or more dependent children or limited capability for work, the higher work allowance (no housing amount) is up £4 from £557 to £573

While the equivalent for those on lower work allowance is going up £9 from £335 to £344.

When will rates rise?

The rate rises will kick in from April 2022.

It’s not only Universal Credit claimants who will benefit from a boost to their payments.

Others claiming benefits such as state pension, carer’s allowance and housing benefit will get extra too – see the full list and what you will get here.

Ending Universal Credit uplift will help families escape ‘welfare trap’ says Raab as he denies ‘heating or eating’ fears

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This post first appeared on thesun.co.uk

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