IT CAN be tempting to turn the central heating on as soon as the weather starts to cool down.

But experts say waiting a few weeks until the clocks change can save you money on your bills.

There are ways to keep your home warm without turning the heating on until later in the year.


There are ways to keep your home warm without turning the heating on until later in the year.Credit: Alamy

The clocks go back on the last Sunday of October each year, marking the end of Daylight Saving Time.

This year that falls on October 31, which is when you should set your watch back by an hour.

Experts say you should also wait until then to turn on your heating for the first time this autumn in order to shrink your bills.

Heating expert Jordan Chance told The Mirror: “Turning on your central heating is notably one of the sure signs that winter has arrived.

“Although there is no single temperature at which you should turn your heating on, many aim for the time when clocks go back, falling this year on October 31st.”

We explain how to keep warm while you wait to turn up the thermostat.

Fit curtains as well as blinds

If you’ve just got blinds in the window you could find that your room cools down faster.

This is because there’s nothing to stop the cold windows from dragging the indoor temperature down.

Will Owen, energy expert at, told The Sun: “Curtains are a great option for preventing heat loss – remember to close them at night when it’s colder and open them again when the sun comes out to let the heat back in.”

Get rid of draughts

Draught-proofing your home can be quick and cost effective – it can also save you around £20 a year on your bills.

Will added: “One of the best ways you can draught-proof your home is by fitting door seals between the door itself and the frame.

“For gaps between the bottom of the door and the floor, you can buy a special ‘brush’ or hinged flap draught excluder.”

Only use it when you need it

It might sound obvious but you should only turn the heating on when you actually need it.

Even if you have the heating on low all day, it will still boost your energy bills.

Before you turn it on, try adding an extra layer to keep warm to make sure you do really need the extra heat.

“Having the heating on only as and when you need it, is the best way to save energy,”  heating expert Jordan said.

“Using a thermostat with a timer offers a simple and speedy solution to controlling your heating effectively.”

Clean your radiators and keep them clear

Layers of dust on your radiators, or using them to dry clothes, can stop the heat they emit from warming up your home.

This means you could have the central heating blasting but still feel cold – which will push up your bills for no reason.

Turn your heating down

Another tip, which could seem counterproductive, is to turn your heating down by a few degrees.

Most Brits have the temperature set to between 18C to 21C and might not notice the difference if they edge it down slightly.

But you could reportedly save up to 10% on your heating bill just by dialling the thermostat down by one degree.

Utility Point and People’s Energy collapsed into administration yesterday, leaving 570,000 without an energy supplier.

You could beat the biggest energy bill rise for 10 years and save up to £154 a year by switching providers.

What is the warm home discount scheme and how can you apply for £140 towards electricity bill this winter?

Utility Point and People’s Energy go into administration leaving 570,000 customers without a supplier

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