Among its many surprises, the coronavirus pandemic has delivered a property boom.

In pretty much the exact opposite scenario to that almost all experts predicted, the property market has hit fever pitch over the past year and a bit, with more people moving and house prices soaring.

But amid all the fuss, which property tribe are you in?


What kind of homeowner are you? One who would like to

  • Move home regularly 0 votes
  • Do up and flip homes to make a profit 0 votes
  • Find a forever home 0 votes

Now share your opinion

Are you a mover – for whom the grass always looks a bit greener? 

Perhaps constantly eyeing up a house with extra space, more bedrooms, a bigger garden, a slice of the country life, or even a prime location in the city?

Or would you choose to be a flipper: happy to buy and sell regularly to try to make some money and climb the ladder quicker – maybe doing places up and turning ugly ducklings into swans as you go along?

Or is your chief desire to be a forever-homeowner: the kind of person who wants to either stay put where you are forever, or find the one place you can do that and then stop moving.

Do you dream of climbing the ladder, flipping homes to make money or finding somewhere to stay put forever? This week's podcast looks at the property tribes

Do you dream of climbing the ladder, flipping homes to make money or finding somewhere to stay put forever? This week's podcast looks at the property tribes

Do you dream of climbing the ladder, flipping homes to make money or finding somewhere to stay put forever? This week’s podcast looks at the property tribes

On this week’s podcast, Georgie Frost, Helen Crane and Simon Lambert take a look at the property market tribes and how they are driving the market – from those who love to move, to those chasing a quick buck, and those whose sole desire is to find the perfect place to stay put.

Also on this week’s show, the team discuss how to learn from your investing mistakes rather than beat yourself up over them.

And they take a look at both sustainable banking and investing and what that means and why new greener E10 petrol is causing a kerfuffle.


This post first appeared on

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