Global coronavirus death toll reaches 2 million people; UK shuts travel corridors and requires negative Covid tests to enter; German vaccine officials forced to guess who is eligible from names

Victoria has recorded its 10th consecutive day with no new cases of community transmission of the virus, while three new cases were reported through its hotel quarantine system. The zero cases came from almost 15,000 tests.

Yesterday there were 0 new locally acquired cases reported and 3 new cases in hotel quarantine. Thanks to all who were tested – 14,957 results were received.
More later: #EveryTestHelps #StaySafeStayOpen #COVID19VicData

Hello, and welcome to today’s live coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.

The thousands of Australians still stranded overseas have been dealt another blow after Emirates announced late on Friday night that all flights to and from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane would be suspended until further notice.

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