Thanks to sweet and hopeful exchanges in stores across the country, the special bonds forged between independent retailers and customers will outlast the pandemic

Local shopkeepers have had many reasons to despair this year. The pandemic has brought unimaginable levels of uncertainty and financial pressure. However, amid the despair, there have also been moments of hope. Moments that have convinced shopkeepers to carry on, or just moments that have made them smile. Many of these were thanks to the special relationships that have been forged between local shops and customers. And each moment highlights just how much it means to businesses when we choose to shop locally.

“There have actually been several standout moments,” says Barry Whitehouse, who owns The Artery art shop in Banbury, Oxfordshire. When the first lockdown began, The Artery started offering free online art classes. “We’ve been so touched by the feedback from all over the world,” he says. “The lessons we gave during the first lockdown have had more than 14,000 views, and we now have people worldwide joining in our regular online classes or free monthly demonstrations.”

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