AN online map that helps drinkers locate their nearest pub in London with a heated beer garden has gone viral.

More than 600,000 people have viewed a “Outdoor pubs in London with heaters,” showing 100 of London’s heated outdoor boozers.

The map helps drinker locate heated beer gardens


The map helps drinker locate heated beer gardens

The pub map was created by a pint-loving postgraduate uni student.

Pub map heater maker Oli Stevens, of Imperial University, London, said: “Friends helped me create a list of London pubs with outside heaters.

“I didn’t dream if would go viral. Happy drinking.”

Millions have bravely boozed through winter weather outdoors since pubs reopened and new restrictions were announced.

Bars say outdoor areas – where 37 million people in Tier 2 can meet friends if they eat a meal also – are as busy as summer.

But there are fears that London will be plunged into Tier 3 within the next 48 hours.

The pub with Britain’s biggest new heated beer garden – the Green Man, Putney, South London – is fully booked for weekends until Christmas.

A barman in the 150 square metre open-sided, wooden-framed Glastonbury-style flat teepee put, which seats 100 social-distanced punters, said: “Everyone loves it.

“It’s like summer – but in winter. People are warm and seats are spaced out to keep safe gaps between groups.”

Pubs are scrambling to warm up punters. Outdoor heater sales have quadrupled compared to last year, John Lewis data says.

Johnathan Marsh of John Lewis said: “Outdoor heater sales are surging as we adapt to rules and the new normal.”

In the first lockdown a map showing where to find your nearest toilet went viral.

While a map revealing where Brits could get takeaway pints was also popular.

Just one in five pubs could be open this Christmas due to Covid restrictions

This post first appeared on

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