Jacob Rees-Mogg says Sunak has failed to deliver on pledge to remove EU laws and accuses him of breaking his word

Liz Saville Roberts, the Plaid Cymru leader at Westminster, has defended attempts by some in the party’s hierarchy to keep Adam Price in place as leader despite a damning review into the culture of the party, arguing that they did so because they believed stability was needed to bring about change. Steven Morris has the story.

Dave Penman, general secretary of the FDA union, which represents senior civil servants, told the Today programme this morning that the original sunset clause in the retained EU law (revocation and reform bill), saying EU laws would automatically cease to apply by the end of this year unless an active decision was taken to keep them, was always unrealistic. He said:

It was a bizarre way of doing business in government; to say that unless we get to a certain point in time, any piece of legislation will simply fall away.

Given the scale of legislation that was involved in this, everybody who was looking at this thought [a U-turn] was an inevitability.

It is not an attack. What she’s saying is that if you’re in government, you have the responsibility to ensure that things can actually happen, that people are protected. The flaw in all of this was an artificial deadline.

I think it’s a criticism of the deadline and the approach, rather than a criticism of Whitehall and how it dealt with this artificial deadline.

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