This unfailingly funny, perfectly acted Australian sitcom features a lead that’s neither a hot mess nor a manic pixie dream girl. It’s honest, kind and goes from strength to strength

It begins, as all great love stories do, with a flash of boob. A 29-year-old medical student, Ashley (Harriet Dyer), is on her way to a safety seminar at the hospital when fortysomething microbrewer Gordon (Patrick Brammall) stops his car to let her cross the road. To thank him – and cheer herself up – she pulls the side of her top down briefly and goes on her way. Until, just behind her, she hears the sound of a distracted Gordon (who we are soon to learn has been single for a unicycle-buying-and-abandoning amount of time) running over an unaccompanied dog.

Before you know it, they are on the hook for a A$12,000 (£6,400) vet’s bill and Ashley has moved into Gordon’s place to take care of the dog while she looks for a house-share that will allow pets. As meet-cutes go, it’s flawless. Though only two of the eight episodes were available for review, the rest of the series looks set fair to be so, too.

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