A MUM claims she was left in tears after an energy company employee laughed at her for not being able to afford her bill.

Jenna Rogers, 37, said she contacted Utilita in October to discuss the £300 per month outgoing.

Jenna Rogers claims she was mocked when she called about her energy bills


Jenna Rogers claims she was mocked when she called about her energy billsCredit: Deadline
Jenna and her son Kalvin, 17, were homeless


Jenna and her son Kalvin, 17, were homelessCredit: Deadline
An email appearing to be from Utilita


An email appearing to be from UtilitaCredit: Deadline

The struggling mum-of-one is trying to get back on her feet after being homeless with son Kelvin, 17.

However, when she called about her expensive energy bills, she said a staff member made fun of her.

According to Jenna, the employee sang “can you pay my bills” from the popular Destiny’s Child song Bills Bills Bills.

Jenna, from Scotland, shared an audio recording of the alleged incident after lodging a complaint.

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She said: “On October 9 I was due money and by the next day I had ran out of money, it said ‘friendly credit’ had ended and I thought ‘OMG I’ve no heating until the next day’.

“I phoned them to ask if they could get my supply back on until the next day – when I was in the call queue they answered and that’s what I heard.

“I said ‘I can hear you singing, are you actually singing that down the phone to a customer?’ The call was then disconnected so I started crying and phoned my sister.

“I was so angry. I honestly couldn’t believe what I had heard and when I calmed down I got through to a woman and was trying to explain what had happened.

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“She kept saying sorry and I just hung up. They tried to phone me back and left me a voicemail saying they were sorry about what had happened.

“I ignored them and looked online about how to complain and sent the email asking for that call to be sent to me.”

Jenna said the staff made her feel like “a piece of s***”.

She added: “All I did was cry but with anger because I thought ‘Is this what we are to these people, just a joke?’

“I have never ever thought I couldn’t cope being a mum. My son is my world but recently with all this cost, I feel like I’ve failed him.”

She says Utilita emailed her to say the incident was being investigated internally before sending her the recording.

An image shows an email appearing to be from Utilita, which reads: “Many thanks for taking the time to speak with me today.

“In line with your SAR (Subject Access Request) we have emailed you a copy of the call recording in question.

“We would like to offer you our sincerest apologies for this situation and we can assure you this is being dealt with internally.

“Due to GDPR we will not be able to update you on the outcome or the actions taken as a result of this internal investigation however, we take this matter very seriously.

“I am pleased we have been able to find a resolution to your complaint.”


Jenna shared the audio clip to TikTok on Monday captioning it: “The Utilita call when I called for help with my gas and the woman sang ‘can you pay my bills…please’ then burst out laughing and had a giggle with her co-worker.

“What is wrong with the world when we need help, this is what happens when we reach out.

“The number I had called was for help with my gas costs.

“Wake up, they are laughing at people struggling.”

The shocking clip has over 5,000 likes, and more than 500 comments.

Users were left disgusted with one commenting: “How strange, I had a phone call from Utilita today about my bill and all I heard was laughing, didn’t think nothing of it at first.”

Another said: “Utilita are the worst company ever – no help at all, plus I have had no bills for years so I just have to estimate every month.”

The Sun Online has contacted Utilita for a comment.

This post first appeared on thesun.co.uk

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