Transport secretary absolves himself of responsibility for transport as Boris Johnson and Liz Truss turn the screw on all sense

“A vision of Labour’s Britain”, tweeted the reliably dim Tory backbencher Mark Jenkinson. This was about the rail strikes. Someone should let him know that there’s been a Tory government for the last 12 years. Who knows, maybe Dopey Mark will find a food bank in his own constituency and blame the opposition for that too. If only Labour had done more to have got elected in 2010, 2015, 2017, 2019 (delete where necessary) then there wouldn’t be so many people living in poverty.

There again, maybe one shouldn’t be too harsh on Dopey Mark. After all, many in the cabinet are also suffering from similar delusions. Not least Grant Shapps, who had been sent out on to the airwaves to say that the strikes were everybody else’s fault but his own. When he found out who the transport secretary was he was going to give him a piece of his mind. It was totally irresponsible for Labour to have allowed the strikes to go ahead … Er.

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