HOMEOWNERS should act fast to protect their properties as the UK is battered by Storm Eunice today.

Two red weather warnings have been issued as 100mph winds are set to wreak havoc across the country.

Storm Eunice will bring winds of up to 100mph today


Storm Eunice will bring winds of up to 100mph today

The severe conditions pushed the Met Office to issue a “danger to life” warning, with “flying debris” expected.

Storms can cause damage to your home but there are steps you can take to reduce the impact.

They can also be dangerous, so make sure you take safety precautions before protecting your home.

Take photos

Make sure you take pictures of your house before the worst of the weather hits.

This will help with any potential insurance claims if your home is damaged.

If the storm does cause any problems, you should also take photos of the damage as soon as possible.

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Check your guttering

If it’s safe to do so, check and clear your guttering.

Built up debris can make them heavier and more likely to fall off or cause damage.

Check the garden

Loose items outside your home can blow away in the wind, causing damage or injury.

Put any items such as garden furniture in your shed, if you have one.

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You could also temporarily move it into your house to stop it blowing away.

If you can’t move items inside, you could tie them down to make it harder for them to be caught in a gust of wind.

Mind the gap

Gaps around doors and windows can lead to damage inside your home during a storm.

Making sure your windows and doors are sealed can ensure that moisture does not seep through any cracks.

This could cause damage to the inside of your home, or result in mould and mildew around the window.

It’s important to close up other gaps, such as cat flaps and keyholes, which are often overlooked.

Get to know your insurance policy

It’s important to get to know your insurance cover inside-out, to avoid any pricey claims being rejected down the line.

Make sure you know what cover you have and have your providers details handy in case you need to make a claim.

If your home is damaged, you should call your insurer as soon as possible.

Prepare for flooding

Storms can bring heavy rain, which could cause some homes to flood.

If you’re at an immediate risk of flooding, switch off all electrical appliances and your gas and water supply.

Move rugs, curtains and soft furnishing upstairs to prevent them being ruined by floodwater.

You should also secure any furniture so it can’t be moved around your home in the event of a flood.

Maintaining your roof and cutting back overhanging trees are other ways to protect your home from future storms.

Storm Eunice could cost you money if you’re unable to work due to the extreme weather, so make sure you know your rights.

You might be able to claim compensation if the storm has caused disruption – check whether you’re entitled to cash back.

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This post first appeared on thesun.co.uk

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