A UFO expert thinks the Russia-Ukraine crisis is preventing aliens from revealing themselves to us.

Ufologist Nick Pope is concerned that aliens won’t approach because warfare makes us look like a “primitive civilization”.

A UFO expert thinks aliens won't visit us during times of conflict


A UFO expert thinks aliens won’t visit us during times of conflictCredit: Getty

Pope is a former employee for the British Government’s Ministry of Defence.

He recently told the Daily Star that “highly evolved extraterrestrials probably regard warfare as something that only primitive civilizations engage in.”

He added: “The Ukraine situation means we’re unlikely to get an invitation to join the Galactic Federation for the time being.” 

Pope previously investigated UFOs for the Ministry of Defence and moved to the US in 2012.

He doesn’t share the MoD’s view that there were conventional explanations for the UFO sightings while he worked there.

Pope told the Daily Star: “Aliens might wonder at the wisdom of the UK going up against Russia, but would probably realize that being in a coalition helps.”

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Over 100,000 Russian troops are currently lined up on the Ukraine border and tensions are growing by the day.

President Joe Biden has just approved the deployment of 3,000 US troops to Poland, Germany and Romania.

This move is intended to help NATO countries in Eastern Europe that feel threatened.

Pope has made a number of controversial comments about aliens and politics in the past.

He recently told The Sun that he think aliens wouldn’t think too highly of President Biden.

Pope claims aliens would think he “comes across as a doddery, forgetful old man, but it could all be an act, because he’s smart enough to give his vice president all the difficult jobs, so she gets the blame when it all goes wrong.”

He also think aliens would like Elon Musk and would visit him if they came to Earth.

The United States is sending thousands of troops to support allies in Eastern Europe


The United States is sending thousands of troops to support allies in Eastern EuropeCredit: Reuters

In other news, this week marks the anniversary of the first chimpanzee in space.

Nasa has revealed stunning footage of a solar flare in action.

And, the US space agency is planning for a ‘golden asteroid’ probing mission to launch this summer.

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This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk

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